Rregullore e Privatesise - Abissnet


Abissnet Company is committed to ensuring the protection of personal data of its subscribers and any other individuals whose personal data are collected and processed for lawful purposes. This process is carried out in compliance with the Constitution of the Republic of Albania, Law No.9887, dated 10.03.2008 “On the Protection of Personal Data” as amended, Law No. 9918, dated 19.05.2008 “On Electronic Communications and Postal Services” as amended, as well as other subordinate acts and regulations of competent authorities operating in the field of personal data protection.

Below are the fundamental rules on which the protection and processing of personal data in Abissnet Company are disciplined. 

1. Personal data processed by Abissnet Company

1. Abissnet processes personal data of users of electronic communication services, including name, surname, address, telephone number, email address, identification number, or other data of this nature specified in the Standard Service Contract with the User (internet, mobile phone).

2.Abissnet processes telephone and internet traffic data. Telephone traffic data includes information such as call time, duration, dialed number, service charges, etc.


2. Registration and Processing Management

1. The retention, storage, and processing of data are carried out to fulfill contractual obligations arising from standard contracts for electronic communications (internet, mobile phone) and for the specific legal purposes specified clearly in the legislation on electronic communications, and their processing must be based solely on these purposes.

2.  In accordance with this regulation, all necessary terms and conditions are specified in the standard service contract approved by the Electronic and Postal Communications Authority to inform and raise awareness of the subscriber about the protection and processing of personal data under the law.

3. The data are kept accurately, carefully, accurately, completely, and updated. Every subject of personal data is granted all the rights provided for in the “Personal Data Protection” law as amended.

4. Abissnet applies appropriate procedures, including periodic review and control, to ensure that all data are kept updated.

5. The data are retained no longer than necessary for the purpose for which they were collected or further processed.


3.  Abissnet Company Website

Through the website www.abissnet.al, Abissnet presents the company profile, services, offers, tariff packages, promotions, etc. Every visitor to the website voluntarily provides personal data when sending an email to the company’s official email addresses through this website. The personal data collected in this way are stored and processed in full compliance with current legislation and this regulation. No personal data are collected by Abissnet without the visitor’s consent.

Abissnet’s website may contain links to other websites. Abissnet is not responsible for the content of these websites and advises its visitors to read the respective privacy policies for these websites.

4.  Distribution of Personal Data to Third Parties

The distribution of personal data to third parties will be made in these cases:

–  if these parties are agents or subcontractors of Abissnet Company;

–  to comply with legal obligations and certain competent authorities;

–  in the case of wiretapping and internet usage, and placing this data at the disposal of competent authorities only in accordance with Law No. 9157, dated 04.12.2003 “On Wiretapping of Telecommunications” and relevant amendments.


5.  Right of Data Subject Access

1. Any individual for whom personal data are held by Abissnet Company has the right to request information about the processed personal data, and the company will respond within a period of 30 days from receiving the request. The request must be sent in writing to the address: Privacy Sector, Abissnet Company, Ismail Qemali Street, Building 18, Tirana, Albania.

The request must contain the necessary data for the identification of the requester.

2. In response to the access request, Abissnet Company will:

i)  provide the requester with the requested information in a detailed manner and within 30 days from receiving the request;

ii)  If Abissnet does not have any information related to the request made, it will communicate this to the requester within 30 days.

3.   If Abissnet Company refuses the requester’s right of access, in accordance with one of the limitations provided for by law, it will notify the requester in writing within 30 days and will include a statement of the reasons for refusal. Also, the requester will be informed of their right to appeal to the Data Protection Commissioner regarding the refusal or to submit a request to review the exemption in the specific case.

4.   Every subject of personal data has the right to request the deletion or correction of inaccurate information, the right to object, the right to appeal to the Data Protection Commissioner, etc.


6.  Data Security

Abissnet Company uses secure technology to protect the personal data database. Abissnet takes care that the registration and transfer of data are carried out with full security measures according to the current legislation.


7.  Confidentiality

Abissnet Company, processors, and individuals who become aware of processed data during the performance of their functions are obliged to maintain confidentiality and trustworthiness even after the completion of their function. This data is not disseminated, except in cases provided for by law. In fulfilling this obligation, Abissnet ensures serious training of staff and their acceptance of responsibility through knowledge, awareness, acceptance, and signing of the Confidentiality Statement.


8.  Contact

If you have any questions, comments, or requests regarding the content of this Regulation, please inform us in writing at the following address:

Privacy Sector, Abissnet Company, Ismail Qemali Street, Building 18, Tirana, Albania.